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  • Join Us

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Why Join UIUK?

  • We believe that we offer something unique here in our local communities in the UK.
  • We are a non-sectarian, non-affiliated forum with no political agenda.
  • We are inclusive and encourage female and family participation. We have soft approach towards gender segregation at our annual events.
  • We welcome diverse views. We welcome people from all walks of life and schools of thought who are interested in Islam.
  • We learn from different perspectives and opinions.
  • We are self-reliant. Our education events are managed through individual membership contributions.
  • Help us in our work and various projects by voluntary financial contribution.


  • Receive free monthly newsletter and announcements by email.
  • Post articles and other useful material in our website’s Community Forum area.
  • Take active part in our work as a volunteer when you can.
  • Be invited to our study circles and annual events.
  • Be able to contribute to our educational and humanitarian projects.
  • Be invited to the AGM – Annual General Meetings and vote in electing trustees.
  • Most importantly, to help us all do our bit as productive British citizen in creating better society around us.

Donate Us

  • To help us with your financial contribution to support our work in the UK and abroad
  • Use the PayPal ‘Donate’ button to the right or use the details below for bank transfer
    • Barclays Bank
    • Account No. 60540889
    • Sort Code: 20-02-77
    • IBAN: GB09 BARC 2002 7763 3813 31
    • SWIFT: Bic:BARCGB22
  • We appreciate your contribution immensely. When making a donation, kindly do fill out the short form below to confirm Gift Aid

For the UIUK Constitution document: click here
For the UIUK Administrative document: click here

Views: 14059

Understanding Islam UK (UIUK) is a registered charity with the UK Charity Commission. Registration Number: 1107962.
Please contact us for more information, Join us and become a member, it’s completely free. © Copyright 2017 UIUK