Our Mission.
Understanding Islam UK (UIUK) is a non political, non sectarian organisation established by a group of Muslims in the North West of UK to provide a platform for partnership to work towards a better understanding of God’s guidance.
We promote a platform of learning together, in a tolerant, respectful and friendly atmosphere.
Going back fourteen hundred years, Muslims not only added an impulse to the intellectual development of the human race but also lifted humanity spiritually and morally during its darkest ages. This endeavor resulted in Muslim rule spreading far and wide throughout the world. This ascendancy had become possible only because those Muslims were the embodiment of true Islamic teachings.
However, centuries that followed, for various reasons, Muslims appear to have gradually lost their way. One of the reasons of this moral and intellectual decline, we believe, was their disregard for the Almighty’s guidance. Read More »
Our Work
The projects that are currently undertaken by the UIUK, reflect its mission statement ‘Let’s work together in understanding God’s guidance’.
We are committed to our core values, of education, inclusiveness, unity integrity and humility.
Since we pride ourselves in being a ‘non-sectarian’ organisation, we do not rigidly adhere to a single scholar or sectarian following. Instead, we strongly believe and promote an Islamic narrative that easily surpasses the confines of narrow sectarian boundaries or selective scholarly affiliations.
In our following, we are very clear that we will not accept anything which we feel is against the teachings of Quran and the established practices and teachings of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). We and our community take pride in calling ourselves just Muslims without any appellation... Read More »
To see a list of scholars who are some of our regular sources of reference, please click here.
Questions and Answers
In this section, we have attempted to provide answers to some of the very pertinent questions on religion in general and Islam in particular. The answers have been mainly derived from the website www.understanding-islam.com with the consent of its owner Mr Moiz Amjad.
Unfortunately,www.understanding-islam.com only acts as an archive website.We,at UIUK website,are keeping the answers alive by editing them where ever we disagree with the answers and making them easier for the readers to understand.We are guided by scholars who hold Quran and Sunnah as the basis of their opinion and are not associated with any particular sect. We dont claim to be holders of ultimate truth and actively encourage constructive criticism. We encourage our respected readers to also consult other sources where they feel our humble reasoning hasn’t stimulated or satisfied their inquiry. We strongly believe that we will be held accountable only for what we have understood to be the truth based on our sincere research.
Fasting in Islam
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Recent Questions and Answers
- Why so much emphasis on definition of sunnah?August 25, 2024
- Sunnah and Hadith—two different concepts.August 19, 2024
- Can the Sunnah override the Quran?May 30, 2024
- Determination of Sunnah in the present time.May 7, 2024
- What is “Sunnah”of Prophet(sws)April 8, 2024