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Breathing A Blessing

By: admin


Is it correct ‘blowing air from mouth like blessing’?
I use to saw usually old people after they pray or after reading Qur’an they use to call their younger one and blow air from their mouth as if they are blessing them.
I want to know how far this practice is correct in aspect of Islam.


There is no such religious action sanctioned in Islam. There are various habits and physical formulas that people commit during prayer that may seem pious or part of the overall procedure of prayer but they are not. In the body of ahadith, there are traditions that mention the Prophet’s (pbuh) actions related to healing and blessings but cannot be deemed religious because he did not introduce them in that way. Aside from the issues of veracity of the traditions, the Prophet does not establish the act of exhaling a breath as a blessing in the religion.

I hope this helps.

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