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“Brainwork in the Quran”.for sat the 25th Feb.

January 23, 2023

Quran study circle on 25/02/2023: “Brainwork in the Quran” Presenter: Dr. Waqar Raza at 11 am UK time, 2 pm KSA time, 4 pm Pakistan time You may share this on your social media timeline:Views: 4327

Oneness of God

December 14, 2022

Question There are a few questions that are really bothering me for which I haven’t found answers. How can we know that our concept of God is true? I mean how do we know (besides revelation that God is Omnipotent or omniscient)? If we cannot assume that our concept of God is true, then how … Read more »

Insan Ke Kahani – Abu Yahya

April 04, 2022

UIUK joins hands with ‘INZAR’ in supporting and promoting this unique and enlightening documentary series on the Quran You may share this on your social media timeline:Views: 541

Organ & Blood donation Initiative

February 20, 2020

  For the details of all Blood Donation Sessions up until 20th Sept 2017, click here  In 2016, we launched a campaign of Organ and Blood donation awareness in the Muslim community around Halifax from our centre there. The purpose of this project was to tackle the misconceptions around this issue. We actively promote, encourage and educate … Read more »

Bradford Study Circle on Saturday 27th Oct 2018

June 05, 2018

Topics of Discussion: Surah Al-Baqara verses 285-286 Tennets of Emaniyat with its details Moderator: Dr Khalid Iqbal You may share this on your social media timeline:Views: 866

Bradford Study Circle on Saturday 29th Dec 2018

April 16, 2018

Topics of Discussion: Surah Anfal (8) verses 65-66 Requirement of armed struggle/qitaal in Islamic state Moderator: Dr Khalid Iqbal You may share this on your social media timeline:Views: 906

Manchester Attack – UIUK Statement

May 23, 2017

Manchester writhes in pain this morning, gloom in the air as the purveyors of hate in the name of whatever religion or creed they claim have brought sorrows tears and blood. Yet we still hold on to the best of humanity in love, compassion and all things altruistic and for as long as we do, … Read more »

To read this short booklet by the UIUK, click here You may share this on your social media timeline:Views: 551

This article is a piece of work by Dr Shafti to provide reasons and evidences from the Qur’an to understand what he believes the universality of the Qur’an means. To read Click here To read UIUK’s response to this article, please click here You may share this on your social media timeline:Views: 702

الَّذِي خَلَقَ الْمَوْتَ وَالْحَيَاةَ لِيَبْلُوَكُمْ أَيُّكُمْ أَحْسَنُ عَمَلًا ۚ وَهُوَ الْعَزِيزُ الْغَفُورُ [Q67:2]

April 08, 2017

He who has created death as well as life, so that He might put you to a test [and thus show] which of you is best in conduct, and [make you realise that] He alone is almighty, truly forgiving. جس نے موت اور زندگی کو ایجاد کیا تاکہ تم لوگوں کو آزما کر دیکھے تم … Read more »

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