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Significance of first 10 days of ZulHajj

By: admin



Could you kindly explain what does Islam require from a muslim, who is not performing Hajj,during the first 10 days of ZulHajj? Are all the suggested practices like not clipping nails and cutting hair,obligatory?



A religious practice becomes obligatory only if there is a clear directive in the Quran or it has been transmitted as an established practice of Prophet Muhammad(pbuh)on which there is a consensus of Ummah.As far the practice of not clipping your nails and not trimming your hair  during the first 1o days of ZulHajj is concerned, we should bear in mind, that even companions of prophet Muhammad(pbuh) had a difference of opinion about it therefore there is no way it can be termed obligatory.Whether it is a religious tradition of any significance, well, following arguments will explain our point of view;

There are Ahadith in the Sahih Muslim, Musnad Ahmad bin Hanbal, Abu Daud and Nissai that Prophet(pbuh) did advise muslims to abstain from clipping their nails and trimming their hair during the first 10 days of ZulHajj till their sacrificial animal is slaughtered. Please, bear in mind that this advise was also meant for only those muslims who intended to sacrifice an animal on ‘Eid ul Azha.Majority of the muslims through out the centuries have based their opinion on these Ahadith,however,there is a very authentic hadith in sahih Bukhari which completely contradicts this practice.Here is the English translation of that hadith;



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