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Prophet’s(pbuh) attitude towards his enemies

May 30, 2024

Question Muslim scholars have a disagreement on an historical event involving Prophet Muhammad(pbuh).This event is related to the ‘funeral prayer’of Abdullah ibn Ubayye,leader of the hypocrites during the time of prophet Muhammad(pbuh).Some scholars say that prophet(pbuh) didn’t lead his funeral while others say that he(pbuh)did.What is your opinion? Answer   Our opinion is based on … Read more »

Categorizing some of the directives of the prophet(pbuh)

May 07, 2024

Question Could you please explain in which categories do the following directives of the Prophet (pbuh) mentioned in the Hadith literature fall under? Please mention if any of the following directives is a part of Sunnah. Also mention if any of the following directives is not a part of Islam. 1-Wudu is nullified after eating camel meat. 2-Forbiddance … Read more »

More on “Where is Allah”?

April 08, 2024

Question Salamu alaykum! brother. I tried to find evidence from the Qur’an that Allah is not only in heaven but also on earth. This is what I came up with! Al An’aam aya 3: Yusuf Ali translation: “And He is Allah In the heavens And on earth. He knoweth what ye Hide, and what ye reveal, And … Read more »

Intercession on the day of judgement

April 02, 2024

Question Kindly explain to me the concept of intercession from Quran and authentic Ahadith as i keep hearing diversified views on the subject which give me an impression that no matter how sinful,immoral,wicked or even serial killer a muslim is, since he has recited the kalima, prophet Muhammad(pbuh) will intercede for him on the day … Read more »


March 26, 2024

To join study circle, please, contact Dr Mujahid Zaheer On 00 44 7810808976 You may share this on your social media timeline:Views: 549

Magic spell on the prophet(pbuh)

March 26, 2024

Question AssalamoAlaikum, When Quran says that Allah protects the prophets was He(Allah)not protecting the prophet Muhammad(pbuh) in the battle of Uhud or during his journey to Taif?Many Ahadith confirm that prophet(pbuh)suffered lots of injuries during these two events.Was Allah not protecting the prophet(pbuh) when Jews had cast a magic spell on him which made him … Read more »

What is the punishment for blasphemy in Islam?

March 14, 2024

Questions I am totally confused about the blasphemy law in Islam.Islamic ummah seems to be divided on the issue.What are your views?Kindly give clear references from Quran, Hadith and Fiqh. Regards Answer Blasphemy against the Prophet is a crime which, without shadow of a doubt, deserves to be punished severely, and in its extreme form, … Read more »

Relationship of Sins and Habits

March 05, 2024

Relationship of Sins and Habits Abu Yahya Translated by Bashir Nazir Desires and self-interest are the basic reasons that make one prone to committing sins. In addition to them, many personal habits can also make one more susceptible; they accumulate imperceptibly over the years in one routine and personality. They are often a consequence of … Read more »

Intercession on the day of judgement

February 26, 2024

Question Kindly explain to me the concept of intercession from Quran and authentic Ahadith as i keep hearing diversified views on the subject which give me an impression that no matter how sinful,immoral,wicked or even serial killer a muslim is, since he has recited the kalima, prophet Muhammad(pbuh) will intercede for him on the day … Read more »

What is the significance of Meeqat?

February 12, 2024

Question What is the significance of meeqat? I understand this is the point from which one has to proceed in ihraam in order to perform umrah or hajj. What is the wisdom behind meeqat. Thank you for your help Regards Answer Meeqat sets the boundaries of the Haram from all directions approaching Mekkah. Upon crossing the Meeqat a person should … Read more »

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