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Women’s Role in the Propagation of Islam

By: admin



I have a question for you that I have been pondering about for quite sometime now. My question is in regards to the proper boundaries for the role of women in propagating Islam. I will try to be a little more specific by explaining to you my own personal dilemma in determining what my limits are in terms of the faith. I feel that Allah (SWT) has blessed me with much potential in many areas where I have been able to (by His grace) distinguish myself as a knowledgeable person. I have always done well in school and I have developed many skills, especially in communicating my ideas to others and in leadership positions. I have been very blessed to have seen that my contributions have made positive influences on many people’s lives and I feel that the people around me, especially my family and friends, have come to expect of me that I use this potential in some way to benefit the ummah.


I feel completely indebted to Allah (swt) for the blessings He has bestowed upon me and I fully realize that He is the source of all that I have accomplished. What I am confused about is that I fear that it may not be appropriate for me, as a woman, to take on certain roles or to represent certain issues. I believe that fulfilling the potential that Allah has blessed me with is a duty incumbent upon me as a Moslem, but I want to use it in the best way I can to please Him. I would appreciate any guidance you could give me on this matter.



Islam does not hinder a woman in carrying out any activity or in selecting a work of her choice, as long as such activity or work is not against the ethical and moral codes of the society that Islam wants to promote. The only qualification that Islam applies is that whenever there is an interaction between men and women certain etiquettes should be observed by both of them.


Like any other vocation, a woman, like a man, may opt to work in the field of propagation of Islam. In this particular field, a woman may teach what she holds and understands to be the true and correct picture of Islam to others through her speech or her pen.


In the light of the information provided in your letter, Our advise to you would be that you should first of all improve your understanding of Islam at a very sound technical level. After getting an in depth knowledge of the tenets and the sources of Islam and developing your skills in interpreting the directives of the Qur’an and the Sunnah, you should then concentrate on determining your various strengths and weaknesses in the various fields of communication. You may at that time consider taking up the teaching profession or trying to establish yourself as a preacher (delivering sermons at various gatherings to educate people regarding the various aspects of Islamic teachings) or to present your ideas and communicate with others primarily through your writing abilities and establish yourself as an Islamic writer. The particular field of your choice shall be determined by your personal inclinations and your assessment of your primary abilities.




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