In one of your answers on the website you have stressed that wherever there is sunrise and sunset, no matter how long the fast is, muslims living in those areas must follow the directives of Quran.My question is about those places in the world where either the sun does’nt even set or rise depending upon time of the year eg places like Alaska or North of Norway.How should Muslims fast or say their prayers in such places?
This clearly is an area where Ijtehad is required as the boundaries set by Quran for the duration of a fast or to say prayers do not exist.There are two options here and the Muslim community living in those areas need to decide which one to follow; one is to follow the nearest country where there is a clear sunrise and sunset and the other is to decide on the basis of the routines they follow in their normal lives. After all, people who live in places like these, do have a way of managing their hours. They wake up in the “morning(their morning)”, take breakfast, go to work, take lunch, may be even take an “afternoon” nap, take their “evening” tea, and retire to their bedrooms, in the “night” time.
Just like all these activities are managed even in these areas, and managed quite effectively, in the same way, fasting and prayers can also be managed independent of the movements of the sun on the basis of an agreed upon sensible time, if such movements are not visible.
Hope it helps
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