You say:
I would not like to promote Abortion as a means of Family Planning or as a scheme of population control.
I would recommend that abortion of the fetus should be avoided except under extra-ordinary circumstances which morally justify taking such a severe action.
I am not at all considering abortion as a regular mean to counter contraceptive failure. In our country there is high unmet need of the married couples for abortion or ‘menstrual regulation’ – a better term keeping in view the true spirit of the process. As you specify, I also consider the process be resorted to in extreme circumstances only. The process would be adopted not only if justified morally as you specify, but also medically, socially and economically. For example a couple considers it unwise to conceive and despite their best efforts they conceive and the mother is not fit medically, or they are in poor socio-economic conditions finding it difficult to afford another baby etc. then why should not we ease them with the permission to resort to abortion or menstrual regulation which is quite simple and non-invasive.
It seems that we agree on the point that abortion should not be promoted as a regular means of population control and that it should be resorted to only under extremely pressing circumstances, which morally justify taking such severe measures. After this agreement, in principle, there can be a difference of opinion regarding whether or not a particular situation qualifies as ‘pressing circumstances’ to justify the referred measure. One set of circumstances may be perceived as ‘pressing’ enough by one person and not so ‘pressing’ by another. The decision, in such matters will have to be left to the understanding of the concerned individual who,with their hands on heart,should decide why he/she(as a couple)have to undertake such an extreme decision.We sincerely believe that even in case of a mistake committed with sincere intentions Allah Almighty will forgive them.This,however,should not be construed as a permission from our part.
I hope this helps.
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