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Is the end near?

By: admin


The Qur’an clearly states that knowledge of the Final Hour rests with the Almighty alone. While the idea that Judgment Day is coming soon is neither essential to nor a part of Muslim belief, does the termination of the institution of prophethood indicate that God’s Judgment is near? What I mean is that it has been a long time — 1400 years – since the last prophet of God preached.

Does the cessation of such a vital method of communication to mankind convey something about the nearness of God’s Judgment?


It would not be prudent to draw any ideas regarding the nearness or farness in time from our limited standards of measuring time. God, according to the Qur’an, makes His decisions with His abounding mercy, encompassing knowledge, absolute wisdom and pure justice, on the basis of His own standards of time.

It is indeed true that the cessation of the institute of prophethood implies the nearness of the Final Day, yet what exactly is implied by nearness is not something which we can plot on a measurable scale of time.

My dear brother, we do not know, from our limited point of reference, how near the Day of Judgment may have drawn to us. Nevertheless, we do know that each passing moment is taking us closer to our respective deaths. This may be last night that I will get to sleep on the mattress of my bed; this may be the last question I will be allowed to answer; this may be the last breath of fresh air that I will be allowed to inhale. We are all going toward a destiny that we can neither avoid nor even postpone. Our death, as no one can doubt is always close by. Thus, from an individual’s perspective, the Day of Judgment is only as far away from him as his death. For as soon as he dies, his sense of the passing time ends and, thus, he is only moments away from the Day of Resurrection and Judgment.

In my opinion, therefore, the Day of Judgment may actually be tens of thousands of years away. Yet, however, for me it is only as far away as my death – which is always close by.

May the Almighty guide us to the path of eternal bliss and may Allah give us the realisation that this world is only very temporary and of little worth as compared to the Akhirah which is far far superior and everlasting.


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