After going through your site I feel that your claim that establishing Islam politically was only for Prophet (S) may be wrong as Allah says: Indeed in the Messenger of Allah (Mohammed(S)) you have a good example to follow -33:21. Also Allah says: Enter Islam perfectly (completely-not deficient) – 2:208. Hope you will clear my doubt.
Thank you.
The Holy Prophet (P) is indeed a perfect example for us to follow, however, the referred verse does not say that he is to be copied even in those things which are specific to his person or position. If you keep in mind the context of the stated verse then you shall notice that it is referring to the Prophet’s moral behavior and also his belief and his trust in God especially during a battle. It is in this that he has been termed a most excellent example for his followers. There clearly are exceptions in which we would not act exactly like the Prophet (pbuh). These would be things which are exclusively for him as God’s Messenger, and not as an example for us to follow. The establishment of Islam and the removal of kufr (i.e. rejection of Absolute Truth) was obviously one of the spheres which belong exclusively to him as a witness of God’s justice to his addressees. The position of being witnesses of God’s truth to the world was then given to the Banu Ishmael after the Prophet (P).
Similar to the above, we know that the Holy Prophet (P) is not an example for us as to the number of wives he had. He is most certainly an example as to how he treated his wives and led his family life but the number of wives that he was permitted is forbidden for us. So, it should be clear that there are certain areas in which the Prophet did things that were exclusive to him as a Messenger of God. I don’t see how entering Islam perfectly should have anything to do with your query.
I hope this answers your question but please post back in case I misunderstood your question or if you have any further queries.
UIUK team
May 23, 2004
Views: 950