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Zakat for my wife’s jewelry

By: admin


I had been paying Zakat on my income till now. I got married recently. Should I have to pay Zakat for my wife’s jewelry? With my current income, it is very difficult for me to pay Zakat for my wife’s jewelry.

How much percentage of the jewel’s value, I should pay for Zakat?

Thanks for your help in advance.


Every person is himself liable to pay his share of Zaka’h. Even though the head of the household can pay Zaka’h on behalf all the members of the household, yet he is not legally liable to do so.

With the aforementioned principle in mind, you may, if you can, pay the amount of Zaka’h levied on your wife’s property and wealth, but you are not legally liable to do so. If not paid by you, the legal liability of Zaka’h would remain upon your wife. Nevertheless, if you have paid Zaka’h on your wife’s property and wealth, then it would be considered to have been paid and no responsibility would lie on your wife.

As for the amount of Zaka’h that is to be paid on Jewels etc., all jewels – other than those which are regularly worn by the person – should be added to the total wealth and property of that person. If the value of the total wealth exceeds 612 grams of silver, then after the deduction of 612 grams of silver, 2.5% of the remaining wealth and property should be given away as Zaka’h.

Please do keep in mind that some differences of opinion do exist in the assessment of Zaka’h. For instance, in the eyes of many Muslim jurists, Zaka’h does not apply to valuable stones. In our opinion, however, Zaka’h has to be paid on all things which are considered as ‘wealth’.

Hope this helps.


UIUK team

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