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Question Islamic precepts suggest under what circumstances a jihad can take place.  Equally important but less well understood is a related question:  Under what circumstances should jihad be suspended if its intended purposes are not being met?  The situation in Kashmir provides specific context to this important question. There is no evidence to date that … Read more »

Question I refer to your recently posted response regarding the law of Jihad(1) You seem to be of the opinion that the two ayahs of the Qur’an (Al-Baqarah 2: 143, Al-Hajj 22: 78) are explicitly restricted to the companions of the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) and they cannot be generalized for rest of the Ummah after … Read more »

Question Recently we had a lecture series on Islam. The speaker for these talks was brother Riaz Ansary from Middle East (originally from US). During our discussion on “Fitna” verse, I explained that this particular verse is only restricted to the Kuffaars of that time Arab. I also referred him some of your answers on … Read more »

Question I recently converted to Islam, which I had hoped would be whole hearted. I suppose I was counting on my partner to provide the stability to enter smoothly, if this is ever possible. Of course what I have learned is that I must take time. In doing so and in doing a little reading … Read more »

Question Muslim scholars these days agree that an Islamic State should not attack any other nation/state unless one of the two conditions are satisfied: In self defense, when other nations have attacked the Islamic state; and When another state is oppressing a section of its own people Please clarify if these are indeed the only … Read more »

Question Muslim scholars these days agree that an Islamic State should not attack any other nation/state unless one of the two conditions are satisfied: In self defense, when other nations have attacked the Islamic state; and When another state is oppressing a section of its own people Please clarify if these are indeed the only … Read more »

Question: I am a medical student studying in the Caribbean. There are quite a few Muslims here. There are a few sisters studying here by themselves.  This is not a Muslim country and a lot of haraam goes on here just like in a lot of other western countries and even some Muslim countries. Now a lot … Read more »

Question: Can a girl study in a co-ed institution? Reply: The Qur’an has given directives to men and women regarding the etiquette, which should be observed if there is an intermingling of the sexes. These directives concern men as well as women. In view of this fact, it is, indeed, preferable to have separate educational … Read more »

Question: I went for Umra with my family this summer. Over there, my mother found the Arab women performing prostration (sajdah) just like men with forearms lifted from the ground etc. while our Hanafi prayer books ask women to prostrate differently from men. Could you please quote anything from original sources (i.e. the Qur’an and … Read more »

The First Question:   Of late there has been some discussion over the verse in the Qur’an concerning the “beating” of your wife. I was wondering if you could explain this verse a bit further. It seems as though the initial reading of the verse would justify physically hurting your wife if she was out … Read more »

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